Make Better Decisions Using The Measurement Profile and Global Performance Measures
There is no single perfect performance measure that, after improvement, achieves an organizational goal. However, using the following six measurement areas to measure a different dimension of organizational performance will help organizations meet their internal and external targets. The measures are: Throughput Operating expenses Inventory Response time Quality Due-date performance These...
Read MoreThink, Solve Problems, And Make Smart Decisions By Developing Smart Habits
Believe it or not, your mind is designed to think as little as possible! There are many tasks we perform every day that require very little thinking on our part, such as, getting up and ready to leave the house, driving to and from work, slowing down at an intersection, making a left or right-hand turn, etc. It’s like we’re on automatic pilot and free to think about other things...
Read MoreUtilize Six Thinking Hats To Better Solve Problems & Make Decisions
The Six Thinking Hats, co-designed in 1983 by Dr. Edward de Bono with Dr. Michael Hewitt-Gleeson and Eric Bienstock, was developed to improve creativity and lateral thinking. It helps us overcome one of the biggest enemies of thinking which is complexity. When thinking is clear and simple, it becomes more enjoyable and more effective. Unlike when I was growing up, very few people today wear...
Read MoreImportance of Monitoring Processes and Having Good Data
We’ve all been taught that without data our understanding of problems is just an opinion and in order to understand a problem or make a decision we must have good data. During our training in continuous improvement and Lean Six Sigma we are taught the importance of a good data collection plan, having an accurate measurement system and the need to establish operational definitions if...
Read MoreAffinity Diagrams – A Process For Organizing Your Thoughts For Improvement
Affinity diagrams are a useful in that they can help you organize your thoughts and develop action plans when you are overwhelmed with many problems and not sure where to start. They are also useful when issues seem too large and complex to grasp or when group consensus is needed to take action. They can also be used when you need to analyze verbal data such as survey results and can help to...
Read MoreCreating a Culture That Gets Results – It’s a Matter of Survival!
Achieving results and getting things done are the dreams of many business owners and executives. No one goes into business with the attitude of playing it safe and not rocking the boat. Most people go into business trying to achieve the highest performance they can but often get stuck in organizations that put a damper on their ambitions. Why does this happen? Is there something about...
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