Value Stream Map

Map Your Process For a Better Understanding

Going to Gemba is the first step in understanding what is going on in the process you’re trying to improve.  The next step is to document the process.  There are different tools you can use to do this.  Here are a few of the more common ones. IPO Diagram A simple IPO (Input, Process, Output) diagram is an easy way to start understanding the outputs of a process and the necessary inputs...

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Ten Steps To Analyze And Improve A Product Or Service Using A Value Stream Map

Many processes suffer from inefficiency, mistakes, errors, defects, downtime and late delivery due to the waste inherent in them.  The waste I’m referring to are: Transportation Inventory Motion Waiting Over-processing Over-production Defects Safety These waste exists because most of the time it’s the way the process has always been done and no one questions it or looks for the...

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