A Little Workplace Organization Can Make A Tremendous Difference!

Posted by on Jan 8, 2014 in Continuous Improvement, Lean, Lean Six Sigma | 0 comments

Ever watch employees in your company perform their jobs?  It can be a real eye opener when you observe employees running around looking for tools and equipment to do their job.  With just a little effort and organization, large gains can be made in making a company more efficient and productive.  Here are just some of the benefits of becoming more organized:

  • Less downtime
  • Better efficiency
  • Increased production
  • Improved morale

Here is one example of how you could organize your work areas better:

Figure 1 shows a work table in disarray.  Tools and needed supplies are thrown everywhere making it difficult for an employee to know whats needed and what isn’t.

Figure 2 shows an employee cleaning and sorting the tools and supplies and putting them into some basic order.

Figure 3 shows a shadow board with all the tools and supplies arranged so that anyone walking by can easily see if all the needed tools and supplies are present at the workstation.

Organizing in this way takes very little time and effort and can make a substantial difference in your operation at minimal cost.




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