Change is almost always difficult. No matter how carefully you plan for improvement, you are likely to encounter resistance from some people. Why do some people resist change at every step, while others seem to welcome change no matter what it is?
For most people change is a collectively social and somewhat emotional transformation. Peter Scholtes, in his book The Leader’s Handbook, suggested people change because:
- They become aware of some conditions, factors, or circumstances that make them less content.
- They experience conditions, factors, or circumstances as occurring outside their current ability to control.
- They become aware that others, whom they respect, are experiencing this discontent and inability to control the events.
- They also become aware that someone or some group whom they respect has proposed a way to deal with this shared experience of discontent and inability to control.
- They become aware of a groundswell of support, especially among people whom they respect, for this new approach.
- They join their respected peers in support of this new approach.
Change in an organization is also a social transformation. The ideal approach is to help people understand the need for change and allow them to participate in the planning for it. Communication and keeping them involved is key to the transformation. Facilitating change in an organization is hard work, requiring clarity, commitment, and persistence.